About Gallo Global Nutrition

* Established in 1946

* Processing over 2,000,000lbs of milk per day

* Plant location is in Atwater, Ca

* Owned by the Gallo family

Product range:

* Large Cheese selection mainly American type cheese as well as Hispanic type cheeses (both Food service, retail and industrial)

* WPI instant and regular

* Pro cream

* WPI and Pro cream operation since 2003

* Initially the drying facility was a J.V. between Saputo and Gallo farms

* Saputo went into a sales comm. Agreement as of 2009 to Dec 31st, 2013.

* Gallo represent roughly 4%- 5% of the WPI market in the USA

* Amongst the best WPI in the USA (great consistency)

For More Information - https://www.galloglobalnutrition.com/

Whey Protein Isolate is the perfect protein. It is rich in essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of healthy bodies. WPI also has the highest biological value of any protein source, which means it is the most efficiently digested and utilized protein available. WPI helps produce energy as well as build and repair body cells, muscles, and bones. It is also a key ingredient in many weight loss and meal replacement products because WPI is virtually fat free, carbohydrate free, cholesterol free, sugar free, and lactose free.




SQF Certified

FDA / USDA Inspected Facility

EU Compliant

USDA Organic

Whey Protein Isolate 90% Inst. DAIRY INGREDIENTS