Molkerei Ammerland

Molkerei Ammerland eG we belong to one of the leading dairies in Germany with over 130 years of experience making high quality dairy products.
Our production facility is one of the most modern plants in Europe, producing a wide range of dairy products 365 days a year.

In 1885, seven Ammerland farmers formed one of the first dairy cooperatives in Northern Germany.
To be honest, things have not much changed since then. Today, the Ammerland dairy is still run by farmers from the region – as a cooperative association whose guiding principle is to protect the existence of the farms.
By now, the cooperative has no longer only 7, but more than 2,000 suppliers. And of course, we now work with the state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies and quality standards that go far beyond the legal requirements.
And we will maintain this tradition of progress for the coming centuries – just as we carefully preserve our natural environment. Since both remain our most important raw materials.

Our dairy products come in different varieties but there is one thing they have in common – premium quality made in Germany.
Stepped into tradition since 1885 our products are crafted from high quality milk of the Ammerland region in northern Germany. Our modern production with advanced technologies and know-how of our committed employees as well as strict controls from farm to finished product allow us to guarantee that our product quality remains constant.

Whether butter, cheese, milk or whey and milk powders – our range of dairy products are 100 % natural and hormone-free.
Our production is not only certified to ISO 50001:2011, but also complies with the International Featured Standard Food (IFS).
Blessed by nature, the Ammerland Region offers ideal preconditions for top quality. Yet we know it can be improved even further. At our two production sites in Dringenburg and Oldenburg we make the best possible products out of fresh Ammerland milk – day after day.

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